I'm a 17 year old girlie chillin in Central Virginia, counting the days until I leave for Utah (um, approximately 180) and finish highschool, not exactly in that order. I'm 8th in a line of 10 kids, (don't worry, lots of em are step-people, my parents aren't rabbits) with only 2 younger sisters, Savanna and Autumn. I like doing normal teenage girl things, hanging out with my friends, going to the movies, and the occasional party. I also enjoy frying bugs with a magnifying glass and chasing the elderly. But only when I have nothing productive to do :-) I'm very active in my church youth group, and I plan on serving a mission when I get older. I want to get my A.A.S in Business Administration at the LDS Business College, and then transfer to BYU to finish up. And now, I am officially out of boring random facts to fill your brain. I know, I know, I'm sorry. ![My big head](https://ldsgirlie.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/sp4.jpg)
Some of my favorite things: Movies: "God's Army" I am SO naming my first son Daulton. "Johnny Lingo", "Untamed Hearts", "Save the Last Dance", & "Center Stage" Music: Greg Simpson, an awesome LDS Singer. Lifehouse, Garth Brooks, Faith Hill, Rascal Flats...the list goes on |